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Agent Rabies virus, genus Lyssavirus, family Rhabdoviridae
Incubation period 3-8 weeks (few days to several years)
Period of transmissibility - Rabid dogs/cats are infectious 3-7 days before onset and up to death.
- Rabid bats are infectious 12 days before onset and up to death.
- Person-to-person transmission is possible but have never been confirmed.
Reservoir - Wild and domestic cannidae (dogs, foxes, wolves) and other carnivores (cats...)
- In some countries: bats
Modes of transmission - Usually: virus-laden saliva of rabid animal introduced through wound (scratch, bite, existing wound)
- Possible: mucous membranes (eyes, nose, mouth) contaminated with saliva
- Airborne in cave with rabid bats
Clinical presentation Encephalomyelitis, with hydrophobia, fatal within 1-2 weeks from onset
Case definitions MOPH circular no. 109 (2006): Human rabies
MOPH circular no. 50 (2005): Rabies exposure
Forms - General reporting form
- Rabies investigation form
- Exposure investigation form
Data on Human rabies Refer to "Surveillance Data"  
Data on Rabies Exposure The data reflects the exposed persons managed by anti-rabies centers:
- Year 2016
- Year 2015
- Year 2014
- Year 2013
- Year 2012
- Year 2011
- Year 2010
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